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    Welcome to the Number System 1.0

  • We are glad you are joining us!

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    Over 50 Pages of instructions, fill in the blanks, charts and more. Included in the course.

  • Week 1  

    Released Feb 13

    It's about hearing and recognizing the slots. It may take some time but it's attainable to develop a musical instinct built on the number system. Relentless effort in this area will create a smart singer that has more confidence when leading worship or as a bgv. Music theory takes a repetition. We are committed to help it stick by helping you see it from different angles.

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    Part 1 Foundation

    Intervals explanation

    Major intervals and minor intervals


    Helpful exercise

    1211131114156 (examples to demo major slot spaces)

    OoWaaOo Semitones or Halfsteps demo.

    1211b31141151b611611b71 = minor

    (Natural Minor examples)

    Other Major. demo that's musical in nature-


    Ascending and Descending


    Should we do diff keys?


    Include notation in numbers and charts?





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    Sing the Major Chords

    Sing the Minor Chords

    Sing the hDim Chords


    Record a vocalist sining all of these. (Mike Male & Female?)

    Include visual cutaway Charts & Piano Demo for each

    Bottom line how this helps apply the number system.

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    Doors Open 8:15 EST

    Bring your questions , homework, activity, and observations. We are ready to serve you. Didn't have time to review lessons before today? No worries. Come to coach hour anyway to learn from others, network and get encouraged.

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    Part 3



    Practice Audio in video format??

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    Part 3

    Need a Number System App-

    register the key and hit the number and hear the note

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    Part 3

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
  • Week 2

    Tips on hearing the right 1- Context - what are you coming from

    How to use the number system in a real life situation.

    Take advantage of the charts notation provided.

    It's all about understanding the progressions that support the melody that you are singing.

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    Part 1

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
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    Part 2

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
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    Part 3

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
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    Doors Open 8:15pm EST

    Bring your questions and observations. We are ready to serve you. Didn't have time to review lessons before today? No worries. Come to coach hour anyway to learn from others, network and get encouraged.

  • Week 3

    GPS- Detection skill- address

    Simon Says



    Worship Write & Work

    Putting it all together. Shedding on the number system with chords progressions, licks and runs.

    Manipulating songs

    Staging writing a song demo

    Hymns and number system

    Worship and number system

    Melody by numbers

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    Part 1

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
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    Part 2

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
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    Part 3

    You’ve read all your free member-only stories.
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    Doors Open 8:15pm EST

    Bring your questions and observations. We are ready to serve you. Didn't have time to review lessons before today? No worries. Come to coach hour anyway to learn from others, network and get encouraged.

  • Leave a comment or ask questions below

    Remember to identify which session you are commenting or asking a question about.